Now that you know where to go to get money that will help you pay for college, what do you do when it’s time to pay your share of the bill? The Office of Student Accounts collects all payments made to the College. This office sends semester bills, manages student GCards, and offers a payment plan to families through Nelnet. Your bill comes from Student Accounts. This is also the office where you pay your bill.


The Office of Student Accounts e-mails bills to students every semester. Students can give their family members permission to receive an e-mail copy of their bill by going to the Portal and granting FERPA permissions.

Students and families can pay their bills by sending a check to:

Office of Student Accounts
Georgetown College
400 East College Street
Georgetown, KY 40324

There’s also an option to pay online at using a check or credit card. If you choose to pay online, a small service fee will be added to your bill. Payment is due at the beginning of August for the fall semester and at the end of December for the spring semester.

Office of Student Accounts

Highbaugh Hall, Second Floor
(502) 863-8700

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